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TiE Boston Charter Members
Adi Guzdar
Management Consulting Consultant & Contractor
Aguzdar Consultants
Bio: Mr. Guzdar is currently President of Aguzdar Consultants, Framingham, Ma providing technical and business consulting services to start-up companies. Mr. Guzdar was associated with Foster Miller Inc, Waltham Ma for the last 38 years, of which the last several years was as a Senior Vice President, having retired from the Company in the year 2000. Foster Miller is one of the premier independent technology development and implementation Companies in the USA, having been in business of servicing both the Commercial and Government sectors for over 47 years. Over the span of his career, Mr. Guzdar was responsible for developing and managing the Company's business in the areas of advanced materials technology, electronics packaging, photonics and telecom technology, Energy conversion and utilization, thermal engineering and advanced cooling technology, transportation systems, sensors and instrumentation for process control and aerospace applications, pollution control and waste management. Mr. Guzdar has more than 25 years of experience in managing the commercialization of technology from the stage of initial development to a commercial product. He was responsible for the creation of several spin-off companies at Foster Miller. He was recently responsible for licensing Foster Miller's photonic switching technology to DigiLens of California for product realization in the fiber optic telecom marketplace. Since retiring from Foster Miller in December 2000, Mr. Guzdar has been serving as an independent consultant assisting startup companies both technically and from a business standpoint. He is currently the Executive Director of TiE-Atlantic an organization Of Indus Entrepreneurs whose objective is to promote entrepreneurship amongst the Indus community. Mr.Guzdar holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from MIT and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from the University of Bombay, India.
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